Multimodal learning with graphs

In our perspective, we observe that artificial intelligence for graphs (graph AI) has achieved remarkable success in modeling complex systems, ranging from dynamic networks in biology to interacting particle systems in physics. However, the increasingly heterogeneous graph datasets call for multimodal methods that can combine different inductive biases—the set of assumptions that algorithms use to make predictions for inputs they have not encountered during training. Learning on multimodal graph datasets presents fundamental challenges because the inductive biases can vary by data modality and graphs might not be explicitly given in the input.

To address these challenges, multimodal graph AI methods combine different modalities while leveraging cross-modal dependencies. Here, we survey 145 studies in graph AI and realize that diverse datasets are increasingly combined using graphs and fed into sophisticated multimodal methods, specified as image-intensive, knowledge-grounded and language-intensive models. Using this categorization, we introduce a blueprint for multimodal graph AI to study existing methods and guide the design of future methods.

align="center" Shown on the left are the different data modalities covered in our multimodal graph learning perspective. Shown on the right are key machine learning tasks for which multimodal graph learning (MGL) has been used successfully.

Below are studies from our perspective and the community on multimodal graph learning (MGL) and how they fall under the MGL blueprint. This website is meant as (1) a resource to those looking to use MGL for their application but unsure how each component is realized in practice and (2) a map of MGL as an emerging field.

This table is live meaning anyone can submit a study to be considered for this table and we will update the table every week. Entries are grouped by application area.

Method MGL Component 1: Identifying Entities MGL Component 2: Uncovering Topology MGL Component 3: Propagating Information MGL Component 4: Mixing Representations Application Domain
FuNet Hyperspectral pixels Radial basis function similarity miniGCN (GCN mini-batching) Concatenation/sum/product Hyperspectral image quad classification Image
GraphFCN Pixels Edge weights based on Gaussian kernel matrix GCN with weighted adjacency matrix Graph loss added with fully connected network Image semantic segmentation Image
GSMN Images/relations/attributes Visual graph for images combined with textual graph Node-level and graph-level matching Similarity function for positive and negative pairs Image-text matching Image
RAG GAT Super-pixels Region adjacency graph Graph attention network Sum pooling combined with an MLP Superpixel image classification Image
TextGCN Words/documents Occurrence edges in text and corpus GCN No mixing/single-channel model Text classification Language
CoGAN Sentences/aspects Sentences and aspects as nodes Cooperative graph attention Softmax decoding block Aspect sentiment classification Language
MCN Sentences/mentions/entities Document-level graph Relation-aware GCN Sigmoid function for probability of entity pairs Document-level relation extraction Language
GPGNN Word and position encodings Generated adjacency matrix Message passing Pair-wise representation product Relation extraction Language
QMGNN Atoms Chemical bonds Weisfeiler-Lehman Network and global attention Concat with quantum mechanical descriptors Regio-selectivity prediction Natural science
GNS Particles Radial particle connectivity General graph neural network No mixing/single-channel model Particle-based simulation Natural science
MaSIF Discretized protein surface mesh Overlapping geodesic radial features System of Gaussian kernels on a local geodesic system No mixing/single-channel model Ligand site prediction and classification Natural science
MMGL Patients Modality aware latent graph Adaptive graph learning based on a GCN Sub-branch prediction neural network Disease prediction Natural science